Student Section (Online & Local)

Online Classes:
Zoom is now the default software for online classes, Skype is the backup. I honestly prefer Skype but it doesn’t work well with everyone’s computers.
Zoom Settings:
In settings under Audio please set:
Suppress Background Noise: Set to Low
Uncheck the option to automatically adjust microphone volume
Please leave Original sound turned off for the lesson.
In Video settings please set:
Original Ratio to On
HD to ON
Under Background and Filter please set:
Turn off any background and filters
General tips:
If you have the option of using a wired connection, please use it.
Please keep bright light sources behind the camera whenever possible.
The built in camera and microphone on your laptop or monitor is fine, you don’t need to hook up an external camera (although it’s fine if you do).
Close any other apps, browsers, or software on your system for the duration of the lesson.
Please report any issues in sound or video to me immediately! It’s usually a quick fix on my end!
In-Person Lessons:
You Must Bring to Class:
Requirements For All Guitar Students:
I do my best to create a relaxed, creative, and fun atmosphere at guitar lessons. In that spirit, you need to do your part and come prepared. Fortunately, the requirements are simple and altogether cost probably $12. You are welcome to play one of my guitars at lessons free of charge.
You must Bring to class each Lesson:
Guitar Picks
- I recommend playing Heavy (.88mm to .96mm) picks but Medium (.72mm) Guitar picks are ok.
- Get ones made from Celluloid (that's the regular smooth kind, like Fender picks)
- or Delrin (known also as Tortex™ Dunlop's brand name)
- Avoid Nylon or PVC
(These are meant as promo items, not for playing guitar!).
- No Mechanical Pencils!
- A regular pencil is ok if you have a sharpener with you.
Blank Guitar Fretboard Diagrams
- You can print out mine for free, they are better than anything commercially available.
- Or I can provide you with a blank master to photocopy if you ask. A commercially available book with at least 6 full neck guitar frames per page is fine as well.
A Usb Pen Drive (256mb Or Better)
- These cost about $6 for a 8gb drive in San Francisco or Online, I'm happy to tell you where if you don't know.
- Acceptable (Tolerable) Alternatives:
- You may also use a CDR, SD (secure digital) Card or a USB Hard Drive. Please bring the relevant cable! My New system no longer has 1394 Firewire or E-Sata ports. It does have USB3.
- Any song you want me to figure out for you on guitar must be on the drive or CD (No Exceptions, Please Don't Ask!)
- I will not figure your song out off of your iPhone or electronic gadget, nor will I hook up your iPhone or other electronic gadget to my stereo! Look I l love iTunes! No CDR or USB drive has ever sent me a royalty check. But everything in a smart phone has been designed so you CANNOT GET THE SONGS OFF THE PHONE! I refuse to waste any of your guitar lesson time trying. Put it on the USB drive. Please make sure the Metadata (Song Name, Artist, Album, etc.) is included!
You must own, have access to, or plan to buy after the first lesson:
- A Guitar Of One Of These Types:
- Electric Guitar
- An amp is recommended but it is not absolutely required. You will however find it much easier with an amp, headphone amp, or a device that allows you to hook it up to your computer or stereo
- Steel String Acoustic Guitar (aka Folk Guitar)
- A Guitar Of One Of These Types:
- (What's the differences between guitars? Click Here: The Two Ways to Play Guitar. )
An Electronic Tuner
- The little Korg ones are terrible, avoid! My favorite cheapie is the Qwik Tune Guitar tuner (~$15). The Qwik Tune chromatic tuner is flaky; avoid that as well. The ones that clip on the guitar headstock really work (I was surprised too).
Guitar Lessons: Educate Yourself!
More Articles ...
- Guide for New Guitar Students
- Females and Males, Young and Old, Rock Stars and Absolute Beginners All Welcome!
- Guitar Lesson Gift Certificates Always Available!
- Guitar Lesson Policies
- Guitar Lessons San Francisco
- Should I Start Playing on an Acoustic or Electric Guitar?
- The Two Ways to Play Guitar
- Am I Too Old to Learn Guitar?
- Are All Instruments as Hard in the Beginning as Guitar?
- Do I Need to Learn Music Theory to Play Guitar?
- Do I Need to Learn to Read Music to Play Guitar?
- Do I Need to Start out on an Acoustic Guitar?
- Do you make housecalls for guitar lessons?
- Do You Teach Skills or Songs?
- How Often Should I Take Guitar Lessons?
- I Play Electric Guitar. Do I need to Bring a Guitar Amp?
- What age groups do you teach guitar to?
- What Styles of Guitar do you Teach?
- What types of guitar students do you regularly teach?
- What's the Secret for Success with Guitar Lessons?
- Letters from My Guitar Students: Caroline
- Letters from My Guitar Students: Allen
- Letters from My Guitar Students: Jaime
- Letters From My Guitar Students: Tommy
- Letters from My Guitar Students: Venkat Venkatnarayan
- Letters from Students: David
- Letters from Students: Dimitri
- Letters from Students: Eddie
- Letters from Students: Jenner
- Letters from Students: Jim
- Letters from Students: Joe
- Letters from Students: Julie
- Letters from Students: Matt
- Letters from Students: Mike
- Letters from Students: Neal
- Letters from Students: Patrice
- Letters from Students: Shauna
- Letters from Students: Tasha
- Student Review: Shaun Buckley
- Student Review: Todd J.
The articles and diagrams on this site are provided free for personal use, without ads, and no personal information is collected or sold. If you have found this information valuable, please consider making a donation of any amount at Thanks! Jay Skyler
The charts and articles on this site are 100% my original copywrited writing and artwork. They may not be reproduced or modified without express written permission from Jay Skyler. They may not be linked to any site except I file copyright claims with any platform they appear on if these terms are violated.