Guitar Lessons SF: Guitars / Amps / Tubes

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The other sections of this site have are either directly related to my business or are part of my semi-romantic / utopian / democratic vision of making accurate information on playing guitar available for free to guitarists worldwide. This section has a much baser motivation: REVENGE. As a kid starting out on guitar, I was neither the best player nor the sharpest knife in the drawer in general. I trusted older, better players, who I looked up to, to help me out and offer guidance. In most cases this worked well, but when money is involved things change.
For every honest business in the music, music education, and musical instruments sale and repair industries, I've found there's at least one dishonest one. I want honest businesses to succeed, and the frauds who will lie and say anything to make a nickle off your dreams and desire for self expression, to fail. I've never minded when someone tells me they honestly don't know, in fact I appreciate that. I always play "country dumb" to see if they are rip off artists or not. But before I knew the truth, I got ripped off many times. So to all the thieves out there, here's a little payback.
Disclaimer:I am a Guitar Instructor in San Francisco CA, and the frontman and lead guitarist of the San Francisco based rock band Rock 'n' Roll Villain Society . l do not sell musical equipment , and neither I, nor my band, nor this website are sponsored by any manufacturer or retailer, unless explicitly stated in the article. This and my other articles in my Guide to Guitars, Amps, and Tubes are written purely to help my students and fellow guitar players make more educated choices on purchasing equipment, and on how to use and maintain it. In general modifying, dismantling, or buying things because someone on the web told you to, is a bad idea. Thanks, Jay Skyler.
The articles and diagrams on this site are provided free for personal use, without ads, and no personal information is collected or sold. If you have found this information valuable, please consider making a donation of any amount at Thanks! Jay Skyler
The charts and articles on this site are 100% my original copywrited writing and artwork. They may not be reproduced or modified without express written permission from Jay Skyler. They may not be linked to any site except I file copyright claims with any platform they appear on if these terms are violated.